Today marked my second site visit to Glen Finglas to develop my audio project compositions. I had offered a informal creative writing workshop to the site volunteers so that they could contribute to the audio project and be more involved in the sound compositions. However, I had no uptake for this workshop so resolved to walk some of the routes and compose writing myself. I did have the company of a family volunteer and of my wee collie dog – shame his tricks don’t involve developing poetry! Lots of fetch though.


I walked a 6k route and collected research photography of objects I will write about and locations I plan to revisit to record soundscapes in. I also did some sound recording to use as background to my future spoken word recordings. I like the idea of using recordings of footsteps and movement to lead up to the beginning of the spoken words – a lead in that will portray one of the main activities that visitors to Glen Finglas enjoy – walking.