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Two weeks today was the final event at the BALTIC of the Hinterlands Exhibition, Finnissage. It was a whole day of talks, presentations and performances by the artists involved in the group show. It was a promenade kind of affairs, as slowly we moved throughout the Hinterlands Exhibition, stopping and listening to each artist present something around their contribution; the thinking, the research, message of their pieces.

Of course I presentation around my endeavour to create an archive, and what goes into the process. The politics of it all. As what I am attempting to do is bring something into existence that hasn’t existed before. Make something visible. Like the whole creative process really.

Anyway, I got all messed up in the swing of it, going old school and wanting a hard copy of my presentation and went and got an earlier version of my talk printed instead. No on there would know the difference but I did, do. And there is going to be an archive of the day within the BALTIC. So I’ve attempted to put the record straight and give credit where credit is due for the thinkers, conversations and articles that I’ve drawn upon to influence and guide my thinking and actions so far.

At some point I’ll share the whole piece here. With a link to the video recording of the whole thing.  I think what I presented was well received. The feedback has been positive.

All will feed into the continued task of building this archive.

I’ve been approached to contribute to a day long seminar at the National Glass Centre, Sunderland next month around my work.  So this is another chance to trial things out as well as explore and extend this life long work really of archives, records and power.