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Artists Dinner at Govanhill Baths

Artists who live and work in the area took part in a discussion to imagine the future; talking about the future of art, communication, health and wellbeing

Art in 2114

Instant art-button

The word ART is too long will be shortened to a more all-encompassing RT for short messaging system

Art is contained in one giant storage mechanism while the few remaining humans are too busy farming to create any new stuff.

Art will take on a more vital role as communication and a form of activism rather than for recreation or entertainment.

Art as part of daily life

Communication will be an artform in the future: Glasgow School of Communication and Citizenship

Commercial art will look the same as it does now (controlled by commerce)

To create is to bring into being what never existed before.

Continued questioning of what art is….

In 2114 art will be both digitally driven and looking to the past, searching for meaning

The shaman will become an increasingly relevant idea in art – response to digital clinical world

Money no longer exists. Art is a form of currency

Will we want or need an artist in residence in the future? How is creativity embedded? Is it a political necessity?

Participation in the creation of art will be commonplace

Art and the political – responding more to subjects that impact on society – a movement beyond representation.

The value structure of art will change

Diversity will remain

Movement away from the art relic

Art will be equally as terrible as it is now


Abbreviated and amalgamated languages

Not in English

We will all speak Chinese

Attitude – language – technology – dialect

Communication through high-tech clothing: Messaging belt, receiver gloves, thought-hat, sms-shoes

Physical communication continues while immaterial virtual interaction advances. These things move at different speeds. Changes in technology mean changes in communication. Technology as an extension of human evolution; virtual evolution.

Will we reach a TIPPING POINT?

What will a healthy community feel like in 2114?

Connected and empowered


Greater equality

Feels like eating salad now

Healthy attitudes

Wellbeing pod: transforms any illness and negativity into positive energy like CO2 >trees>O2

Amish people of 2114: Robot-Horse and Cart

Scottish Asian fusion feels normal

Mainstream health will be more medicalised. In response more people seek alternatives.

Will we give up on science?

A sustainable community – what will the challenges be?

Main pool used to farm tilapia and grow salad. With floating theatre or theatre on stilts?

No longer hostile to immigrant communities. Accept that community is in constant flux.

Will communities be bigger or smaller?

How will we eat together?

Comfort. Ownership. Loyalty

The Baths:

“Having a place that could be anything is amazing. Once it becomes that thing is the potential lost?”

What is it about water? Floating, space, gravity, oxygen, focus, relaxation, element.