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I have been expanding my art-making beyond the studio environment: walking the Black Mountains in Wales, drawing found-objects, working with film and projection in a vast cave complex near to my studio. This is a fruitful area for me, and I’ve found I have been able to share this rurally-based work in unexpected ways from Cardiff to Colorado.

The challenge for me now is to build on progress by opening up my work again to new approaches, and to think more about the dialogue between local and international, insider and outsider, rural and urban.

Working in collaboration interrupts and redirects creative processes in ways I find challenging but intriguing. Over the course of a year, I will be inviting an artist from the other side of the UK to the Black Mountains to explore these themes together.

This bursary will support sustained critical review through 2016, and will bring another layer of external vision to the Binocular project. I’m excited and a bit scared.

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