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its saturday morning, bright sulight streams through the dining room window.  in the distance i can see trees and willow proudly motionless in the sun.  i glance at the lit stove, it’s light sending heat into the living room.  my partner and our dog are wrapped up on the sofa to my left.  the cat is somewhere near too.

on this beautiful calm morning in january my thoughts extend out to those in the world whose saturday morning isn’t so calm.  i send energy in the universe for them to receive, to feel comfort and hope.



since my lat post i’ve been sitting with an encouraging feeling.  for the first time in a while when i’ve thought the words artist and facilitator i’ve felt excited.  at an opticians appointment this week when asked what i did i was able to instantly say “artist and facilitator” and without any internal feeling of awkwardness or lack of authenticity.


in this last week i’ve begun to believe that i’m getting near to being able to feel i have defined a mental space well enough for me to properly start to develop and to lead others through that space with me.


in this past week i’ve experienced self cohesiveness of a magnitude i believe i’ve not experienced before.

from putting the previous post together i’ve been left considering the notion of taking the audience on the journey with me.  this comes from me misquoting from somewhere within the references in the previous post.

i’ve become aware that the way i described myself for people / audience / curators is difficult for them to get an understanding and a way into my practice.  something i urgently need to address is presenting a cohesive front for these important individuals.

part of this consideration is how to frame my dsylexia.  up to now i’ve presented this as the disability it is.  what i’ve begun to consider is neurodiversity and disability.

another aspect of myself i’ve been considering for a couple of months now are my personal pronouns.  you’ll see over on twitter what i’ve opted for.


i like the feeling of progress i have at the moment.