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If you see the date in the Diary (The Red Book) you will understand the inspiration that got me thinking about this idea. This work was created out of me thinking about how much I hated reading at school. I will always remember how I hated having to read out things, or reading parts of books out loud in front of the class.

The work is meant to resemble white chalk on a blackboard with sentences. I remember thinking as a child that I never really got the point of why the teacher used to write things down on the board, then go off on a tangent, talking about things that were loosely connected to what was written on the board. By the time a teacher had finished answering all the questions of the class that always went off topic, it just seemed like a waste of time.

I mean, surely I wasn’t the only one who didn’t get the point of the board. When the teacher use to read everything that was on it. I guess I just found it easier to listen to what the teacher said.