I was looking for things to add into my research folder and I found this article on The Mail; there is a image 1/2 way down the article. There is a moving image/text that shows how I remember seeing letters as a child. I no longer see text in this way but I still struggle with some of my reading.

This is the way I use to see text, even on a whiteboard or on a chalkboard.



i was on the telegraph website, clicking through some of the art articles when I came across this artist Alex Queral. the work is made by drawing a portrait over the pages of a phone book. He then starts to cut the image into thousands of pages to make the image become 3D. When I first looked at the images I thought that they was drawn on and this reminded me of some of the books that I have drawn on in the studio. It was only after I read into the captain’s about the work did I realise what it was that I was actually looking at.

Queral has been doing this for 14 years now and has done portraits of many famous people as well as other artists.


I was in the gym yesterday and an advert came on advertising wix to build your own website. this is the platform that I am currently using to build my website. It is pretty simple to use and I recommend it to anyone who is still looking to find a site to make their website on.