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I have taken another trip to London, as I have decided to feed my love for the city. I Love to do this when I feel creatively locked in a narrow mindset, it feels like I have blinkers on stopping me from seeing any other option or possibility. It is nice to take a moment to step back from looking at the books and look for new inspiration in the most unlikely of places. I often find this release in photography as I like to capture the moments of things that happen in front of me.

Here are a few photo edits I have done, from my trip to the city.

The inspiration for editing the photographs like this, came from the thought of having a blinkered mind and only looking at a small aspect of a situation. When I was editing these photos I was thinking about when I was younger, I would only think about how avoiding reading was going to affect me at that moment in time. As I have gotten older I have seen the error in this attitude and I have started to try and compensate for this type of thinking.

This photograph was taken in London on a quiet road. I could not help but feel that this image would look better in black and white and I felt that, this was the ideal place to start when working on this image to reflect on my attitude on things now.