Viewing single post of blog New College Stamford/University of Lincoln

The dissertation is taking shape – hoorah. There’s a lot of words now but I need to spend some time reorganising some of it. Despite what I thought was meticulous section planning, I think I may have gone off on a few too many tangents…

At college, we have been experiencing the same frustrations as the past two years – all technology/computer related (and the fact that nothing seems to work as it should). Thankfully, everything seems to be sorted now, and I am getting to grips with using Premiere to animate a sequence of chalk drawings. This is intended as a ‘test’ animation (before attempting a longer version) although I had not anticipated it to be so time consuming.

I have several other ideas buzzing around, but am very conscious of the pressure to produce ‘good stuff’ now that I’m in the final year (whatever ‘good’ means… ) and it seems to be making me nervous. I’m full of self-doubt at the moment.

On a positive note, I’m going to Frieze for the first time on Thursday – I’m intrigued as to what it will be like. If I have enough time, I’d really like to go to ‘The Future Can Wait’ in Shoreditch too, but that might be pushing it.. I need to be home in time to pick my boys up from after-school club!