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This is another part of the Aberystwyth show, that formed one of the other screens. It is an animation, printed onto perspex squares held by many people, that when run together make an animation. The squares were put in the gallery on long shelves and at end of show people could come and collect theirs.  The soundtrack is part of the other other screen, which was a long pan of a choir singing a Welsh nursery rhyme.









I wanted to add this video, as it is very informative, and may be of help to others on the site. A curator and producer talks about how to approach galleries with your work and your ideas. It is pretty useful career development advice. Hope others find it a good resource when starting out.







The show at Aberystwyth Arts Centre comes down, so I am now going to be putting up the videos that formed the three screen installation. The first video, is Dummy run, where we animate a life size figure, stop motion, in the square in Aberystwyth, with the public. All was a bit harder than I thought, lots of prep, and a few problems on the way, like when the leg fell off, but all turned out well in the end.

