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The horror of impending deadlines last week finally enabled me to pull things together. For the past month I’ve been traversing the confidence meltdown that lies along the route to an impending exhibition. I’ve done the avoidance of important tasks, the distraction tactics of making bread/sowing seeds/jigsaws, I’ve had crippling anxiety over every mark made, stress eating, inertia of indecision and so forth. And I am now at the point where the only thing left to do is framing and updating my website, sorry did I say only thing?

However whilst there is little joy in updating a website or framing (for me at  least), there’s nothing there which undermines my sense of self or brings about uncomfortable self examination, besides which they are activities done under the guidance and with the collaboration of my framers (Lamden Felixstowe Road, Ipswich since you ask), and my son. And maybe updating my website will feel like stepping back from a picture to see it a fresh – hopefully.

And think of the satisfaction of it all being done – as opposed to the anxiety of not getting it done 😬before I follow that train of thought, ACTION!