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and so i still don't feel like i've done much work recently, and i hate saying that becuase i do work hard i promise. there have been quite a few things getting in the way of me doing work, only being able to cast at certain times being the main one. motivation being one of the others.

and i feel a bit funny today, i think i'm thinking too much about what ive loved and lost. and i found out today that my ex is going on a big uk tour with his band and where are they playing tonight? yup, nottingham. its the second time he's played here since we split up. part of me really isn't bothered but the other part wants to see him becuase we were good friends. and i hate loosing friends. and so loosing friends is never my doing. and thinking about friends too makes me a little sad, becuase in a few months everyone will be leaving, even all my friends from home are moving on, except one or two, and me of course. althought i'm seriously consideringing moving too, i feel a little like i've met everyone in nottingham, which i know is nonsence but i do feel a bit like i'm going round in circles in nottingham as everyone i meet knows everyone i meet anyway. and i'm scared about not making friends when im not a student anymore.