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After taking some time off working on my art/project and focusing more on my dissertation, I thought of another idea that could work. I tried it immediately and fell in love with how things connect together although being just in a corner of a studio space. The idea was to try more paintings than just one and in a colour palette of the photographs.
The idea of having more paintings just came along while I was rearranging my studio space and saw some my recycled paper roll on the floor. The reason for me to pick the paper up and do something with it was the fact that I looked at my drawing from the drawing workshop and saw how I used two papers to explain my ideas. I thought to myself: ,,why not use more than a canvas to create a painting?”. So I cut the paper and put it next to my canvas that I put in the middle of the wall. Also another note to it is that I usually work on my canvases using an easel, but this time, I have decided to work on a canvas that’s already on the wall.

I didnt make the paper cuts 100% straight because I still wanted to keep the flesh like look. The same as I did with my painting on the canvas without a frame. Next part was choosing which picture to paint and I chose this one here:

The reason for me to choose this one was the colour palette that I enjoy very much and I know that I didn’t plan on using it the way it was. While creating the colour of the bath water, I mixed emerald green and cadmium yellow,

which created an amazing colour that was beautifully lightened by the light coming through the blinds in the studio space. I had to capture it right away.

I don’t know the actual idea yet, because I want the flow to keep on going and I dont want to restrain my creativity in a box. I also really like the fact that the painting doesn’t have a face on it for now and also the fact that the other paper canvases are not even painted on. Why? because Its all connecting together with the photographs and the painting as well.

The picture that I took of the painting with the photographs is not the best and I will have to go back to the studio to take another picture of all of it together, but you could still see the colour palette connecting.
I did this mockup of photographs that could work for the paintings and I quite like how it looks at the moment and might use my spare time today to actually do the underpaintings for the rest of the two. Went to the studio space before going to the library and I saw that the heat in the space made the paper go all weird and almost fall down. The reason for that could be just the fact that I taped the paper to the wall, so I will try hammering it with nails so it stays in place.