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After re-reading the notes and comments by the viewers/peers, I’ve decided to paint two more paintings using the photographs exhibited for the crit.
Its going well so far and these are the paintings in progress:

update 15.11.2021
Finishing the paintings did not take a long time as I finished both at the same day. One just needed a little colour correction as the colours on the face didnt relate to the ones on the other painting, making them not connect in the end, and one needed a full coat of paint. It was funny, seeing how one painting can take me many hours to finish and one can take me only 45 minutes.
Another fun fact is that the painting that took me the least time finishing ended up being the favourite one of people on my instagram, as they sent me my painting with amazing words how the painting speaks to them.
The one that spoke to people is called Let them know. The other painting is called Silence.

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