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While working on my dissertation notes, I slid into reading a book by Charlotte Jansen – Girl on Girl, and came across an artist Izumi Miyazaki. Her work is based on taking self portraits which don’t represent herself. Miyazaki said ,,Even though I am making self-portraits, I do not feel that It is the same person in front of and behind the camera”, which is again a thing which I relate to a lot. She as a Japanese woman was expected to create more of cute than cruel pictures, but got the exposure she didn’t receive in Japan in America and Europe. Talking about her working method, Miyazaki stated that she always has a clear idea before creating the work, but that it often changes throughout creating the photographs. She turns herself into sashimi or a sandwich, a consumer and the product also.
Her grotesque like photography is opening new doors to imagination and to me, the aestheticality of her works really pull me in.