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The work has now been finished, so its time for a crit.
When my fellow students stepped in between my work, I started getting comments.

– You can see every side of it
– It almost becomes three shows. One from one side, one from the other and one in between
– The installation forces the viewer to move
– The air/ movement adds to the work
– Connection to painting in the expanded field
– The work now seems bigger than when it was just on the wall.
– The painting style has changed from the one that was before. The painting style is more confident and paintily than the work before. It is confident and feels more free. Bridge between abstraction and representation.
– this 3D work pushes the painting forward.
– Walking in the installation gives the work a different vibe
– The sides of the paintings now work more than when the paintings were on the wall. This gives the breathing space like when you usually  look at the back of the paintings. Here, there is no back, so the sides becomes it.
– Painting and perspective is what this work concludes.
– The installation was a pleasure to view and in the end, the fact that it doesnt match made it look better.