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I have been somewhat negligent over the past few weeks about both planning and blogging. In a great efficiency drive I am resolving to TRY HARDER!

I do have a good excuse (miss) in that it has been the school holidays (no work opportunities there) and I have been a bit tired having just run the London Marathon, but really it is just not good enough – again and again I tell myself ‘how can I conquer the world like this?!’ and still I do not have a reasonable answer.

As usual it is a case of ‘feast or famine’ as my mother would say. And I have a whole load of stuff up my sleeve waiting to happen – I imagine it will be all happen at once – the proverbial three (beautifully painted) buses. However carefully I plan, these things come in a burst followed by a lull and then a fret (repeat). Perhaps I am an artist version of Bruce Nauman’s ‘Clown Torture’.

It is in this time – when one project is about to come to an end and the possiblilites of others are tantalisingly hanging around, that I never know to what extent I should look for, apply for or plan new work. It is just not good to have to turn things away but there is only one of me and my time seems to flash by.

Friends seem to think that this is the way I like it – ‘flying at 50,000ft by the seat of my pants’ – it is just the way that I have always worked, but I’m sure there must be another way. Somehow, for my own sanity, I must find it.