One of the disadvantages of HMS is we are located outside the city centre and it requires more effort to tavel to events. However, people do … and yesterday artists from Deryshire, Notts and Leicester came to a talk about contemporary figurative painting. It tied in with the end of Paul Crook’s exhibition. 4 of us talked about our work including Sarah R Key, Paul, myself and Mik Godley. Chaired by David Manley. All gave their time for free. Great discussion. Well attended. Enjoyment!


I am hoping to sort out dates for Chicago soon – even if we can’t sort out detail. Obviously it won’t be a cheap project so I intend to apply for a travel grant from the British Council. As I can’t rely success I have decided to set up classes teaching children’s book illustration. It will be local to home and involve small groups. Probably starting in September. This will give me time to market and perhaps offer some taster sessions.


I’ve been on the phone to the district valuers for the past few (working) days as HMS business rates have been reassessed and the rateable value has doubled. http://www.2010.voa.gov.uk/rli/en/basic/find/assessment-history/2010/10559206000 It’s a double whammy as it affects small business rates relief. The new assessment of £11,250 is closer to the limit. (Small business rates relief ranges from 50% for properties of less that £5000 reducing in increments to a limit of £15000). Worse still, the council starts collecting payment next week and you can’t appeal until April 1st. Stress! However, the valuers have been great. They have prioritised the case as the rise was so significant. He agreed that nothing had changed to warrant the enormous rise. New rateable value £5900. Phew!


Lfe can be interesting. I never know what’s going to be in my inbox. Just had a request from an artist to be their agent to handle sales. (They currently sell through London galleries) Now I can only imagine the misunderstanding arose from the HMS website which focusses on Stockholm and the art fair. Maybe he didn’t realise the ethos behind the Suprmarket Art fair – that it is artist led and non-commercial. Anyway, needless to say I explained. I would be so rubbish at selling anyway!


CURRENT PAINTING – Two Open Discussions Panel chair: Professor David Manley SUNDAY 28th March 2010 2pmFiguration NowViewing of exhibition of new paintings by PAUL CROOKPanel: JACKIE BERRIDGE/PAUL CROOK/MIK GODLEY/SARAH R KEY Life goes on despite the nagging court case.