Just back from the Swedish exchange in Gotland. Amazing. We were treated like celebrities with full page coverage in 2 Gotland papers. http://www.helagotland.se/noje/default.aspx?articleid=7065635 The turnout for the preview was great and people were really interested in the work and the studios. A celebratory meal in the local bar capped a fine day. Every day was a fine day – Watching the sunset over the Baltic from a third floor terrace of our hosts in Visby was truly beautiful. We crossed the water to Bergman country which is only a skip from Gotland. The meal at SeaView was a memorable evening where we cooked our own steak on hot slabs. … and the 7 minute Visby Pils is definitely worth waiting for… A magical time!


I am flagging a bit. This blog has been going for over 4 years now and although lots of exciting things are happening at HMS I’m also aware that the story of setting up the studios has been told – that is apart from resolving the service charge dispute. However, I will continue dip in and out until we have sorted the service charge, one way or another. We are preparing for 2 international exchanges at the moment. 3 boxes have been sorted for transport to Gotland. My 2 works on paper are approx 120cm x 90 cm rolled in a tube, nicely supporting one side of the biggest box. I’ve also made a series of 6 small paintings on board (based on old family photographs) to pack in my suitcase. Only recently have I been able to go through the box of memories from mum’s belongings, but sadly most of the photos aren’t labelled and I haven’t a clue who the personalities are. The photos range from Victorian sepia, b/w seaside piccies to young men in uniform. I presume family must feature in most. I can see a hint of resemblance in some. But the picture isn’t clear. I’ve been spending time with these photos exploring body language and expression. The result is a playful interpretation of different personalities having a day out at the seaside. It looks a bit like Scarborough. We are also preparing for the 2nd leg of the Chicago exchange in October to coincide with our open studios. I can’t believe this will be our 5th Open Studios. Blimey!


Just a quickie as I’m off to a printmaking course this morning. I haven’t done dry point/ screen printing and lino for years so looking forward to a refresh. I’m hoping I can make something more physical than digital prints for the USA collaboration. Lots of deadlines looming before I depart for Gotland in 2 weeks. The crate/ boxes will be packed on Weds so I’m hoping the 1 x 1.2 m oil/paper paitning will be dry. I’ve already rolled up a drawing of a similar size. Also on the go are two works for the India/Uk exchange – to be finished and delivered before I go away. Good to get away from that legal business!