We are exhausted. Although case management conferences are designed to sort out the management of the case, you never know what to expect. We always request a transcript so that we can go through the jargon at our leisure. This costs, but it is well worth it. The trial is programmed for Jan/Feb and there is a timetable for disclosure of documents. As transparency is a key objective we are looking forward to examining the records and accounts.


We have enough files to prop up a small table. Tonight we sift through for details we may need tomorrow. Sweeper clauses, a Part 36 and CPR are terms I would rather not learn. I’m picking up lawyer speak and becoming more familar with the language.


Line by line, we are examining the lease ready for next Friday. Although we are representing ourselves we have sought Counsel’s opinon to ensure we are on the right track. As well as focussing on the detail, we also recognise the importance of looking at the document as a whole. Jem has purchased a book on legal cases relating to service charge and we discuss, disect and dream about the service charge every day. The Swedish show is down and Richard Boyle, an ex HMS artist will be artist in residence during the next few weeks. We have missed his quirky original juxtaposed images in his space and looking forward to seeing the Exhibition Space transformed a la Boyle. I hope he brings Mrs Doubtfire!


Litigation is definitely not one of the ‘top 10 things to do before I die’. The case mangement conference is a week on Friday. We live in a bubble and sometimes it is difficult to feel the temperature outside. I know there are much worse things going on in the world, but this is case is all consuming. We will be facing 2 judges because the solicitor for the other side is Stepehen Wrigley, a part-time judge. His partner David Smith is the company solicitor and as well as the company secretary for the Harrington Factory Company. A bit complicated.


This is very important! All studio providers should check whether or not they qualify for small business rates relief. At the moment small businesses in premises with a rateable value less than £6000 per annum qualify for 100% reduction. Yes it is free rates for 2011-12. Normally, there would be a 50% reduction but the government has temporarily increased the relief until Oct 2012. This means a reduction in next year’s rates too. More details can be found on the Business Link website which explains it much better than me. http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?itemId=1086075891&type=RESOURCES My friend is the new studio manager of a studio group and I mentioned this to her. The studios operates as a business (rather than a charity) and she was unaware that the group qualified for a reduction. As the relief is backdated April 2010 they also stand to get a refund.