No news is good news! Steady is welcome and ‘normal’ is king. Potting plants, sewing buttons, taking bad photos, burning sausages and even the odd rejection letter … all gloriously mundane. The case ticks on but atm we enjoy a lull, before the storm in July. HMS is part of the NotLost festival in Nottingham when music, poetry, performance and the visual arts will shine in the city during the month of July. Although our Swedish friends from Go/c/Art Gallery will be over in June I’m hoping we can highlight their show, ‘Halfway to Russia and other Eastbound Horizons’ in the promo. One of the outcomes from Chicago is an invitation to participate in the collaboration, ‘Messages Lost In Time’. 55 invited artists will generate 55 prints each. An exchange of work will result in participating artists receiving a limited edition of 55 pieces of art. We hope to be showing the collection at HMS during 2012 whilst other venues are being sought for a show in the US. We are already looking ahead to Seoul next year. Not sure whether it will be May or October. We are waiting to hear. A few of us from HMS are saving up to go to the pv.