Been sorting out press-releases to publicise the studios as we have completed more partitons and HMS will be having an open day on Sunday 27th May 12:00 – 3:00. As I am naturally quite shy, I don't find it easy. Even winning a raffle fills me with dread because of the unwelcome spotlight on the winner. But I have to overcome this problem as I have a small marketing budget and the papers are a good way of reaching a big audience. After ringing up the offices for a contact, I've e-mailed a press-release. Will follow up on Monday.
Jem was doing the spreadsheets yesterday. I'm glad he's willing because I find it tedious. He is dealing with that side of things, including the licenses. Our license agreements are based on those of Southwell Artspace. Henrietta Clavering who used to run it (she's on maternity leave) has been fantastic – giving lots of valuable advice relating to public liabiliy insurance and contacts.
I have a wonderful volunteer, Kathryn who isn't an artist but wants to get involved in the arts. She is researching funding and the possibility of creating a curatorial space. I feel very priviledged she wants to help. Lori, who also has a space at Sand Assembly is taking a double space at HMS, has been helping with cladding. There are some v good artists at HMS but they are also v nice!


We finally have the keys – despite the solicitors inflicting torture for nearly 6 months. And what a buliding! It's actually the first floor of a lace factory with red bricks, turrets and lots of natural light. Furthermore it's in fantastic condition and has the dimensions to set up 18 studios which are approx 200 sq ft.

And the pitfalls? Well, there are no artists' studios in Long Eaton. Nottingham and Derby are a good 20 minutes away. On the plus side, the public transport is excellent with trains & buses and the occasional barges. Only joking – they don't offer passenger services!
We've had a big push this week to get the partitions made. My partner Jem has taken a week off work to crack on. Sheila and Kristian Ravnkilde have also been stars and sacrificed a lot of time to help.

We've had to do it ourselves because Mr Peabody quoted £25,000. Funny money! We did think about going to the Arts Council for funding but it takes 12 weeks for an application to be processed. As everyone knows there are no guarantees. In the meantime you have loans, service charges and other bill racking up – and an empty building. This way we are able to get artists in as the partitions are erected.
We have 8 studios ready, with 6 occupied so 2 are up for grabs. We have other artists signed up later on, including a couple of students who are taking a space over the summer.
There is also the strong possibility that will be able to offer a bursary for a residency for a graduate, with support for exhibitions etc. Watch this space.

Been cutting wood all day today to create 3 partitions. That's a lot of timber and a lot of cutting. 78ft x 6ft of studding. Quite boring, but necesary. Have pre-drilled the holes for the studding and they are now ready for assembly.