Viewing single post of blog Setting up 18 studios, Long Eaton, Nottingham

Mum died peacefully at home on Monday. I have to borrow words to say how I feel, but nothing articulates how much it hurts. She was a devoted mum and grandmother and I already miss her.

Since she was diagnosed with cancer for the 3rd tiime last November. I have been out of the swim – I literally dropped everything. I've never been a multi-tasker, so I knew I had to concentrate on mum. I'm glad I did.

Meanwhile back at the studios the support has been amazing. The artists have quietly got on with managing day-to-day affairs, allowing me time and space for a very private journey.

Whilst I have not been around, seeds sown in the early days of HMS have borne fruit. I learned today I have been nominated for memebership on a Art and Design Industrial Liaison Committee. My work has also been selected for a curated show in Bracknell. So all the graft is being recognised when I least expected it.