Viewing single post of blog The end of the beginning

This was the most intense working week I have ever had and is my top big effort- big reward experience. Through this residency I got pointed out how it is impossible to be on top of everything and the mistake is expecting it from myself. It was ok to put the rest of my work on hold for a week and get focused on this. I managed to imply planning and foreword thinking.

This process showed me there is no point of rushing by expecting too much too soon from myself.  What I need is to slow down, be calmer, take thing easier and stop roasting myself during the essentially busy daily basis.

Advertising as well as risk assessment were details that were not to be missed. Now I understand why projects take a long time to come together as there are possibly other people involved, unexpected circumstances, rework, improvements and errors.


I want to keep improving my photographic skills and think of a way to reduce the bummers with the white balance and edit of the images. This is the main reason I have not got images of the installation to upload at the moment. The light came out slightly differently on every shot/ in every corner and is my current challenge. I am stuck and cannot solve it myself and will  be returning to this post with images and a lot more to say about the work.