As part of the degree show, we were asked if we would like to create a painting that will be available for £40 with two options of either keeping the lot, or splitting it 50/50 with the painting department. Seeing as this painting will be made with the intent to sell it, I couldn’t help thinking about John Baldessari’s Tips for artists who want to sell.

Considering I have a fondness of black paint and nondescript imagery the work is not particularly ‘sellable’ as such. But nonetheless it’s good to be painting again.

The painting itself I have decided on a diamond shape, gloss & matt black study for another Crime Season painting or perhaps for a new set of paintings from drawings I’ve been doing at Roath Park of people in canoes and pedalos. I think their appeal comes from the Isle of the Dead video drawings, where the real life of drawing comes from the objects in flux, instead of the static monuments; like in Isle of the Dead it was the ferries, and in these Roath park drawings its not the beautiful lake itself but the plastic pedalos. This combined with watching loads of Bill Viola documentaries; I’m subconsciously being drawn to water.

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Made in Roath festival 2012.

I’ll be publishing it soon, but Milkwood gallery have asked me to work with them as guest curator for awhile, and my first duty is to get a call for expressions of interest put out for an exhibition for the Made in Roath festival 2012, just to see what sort of work and ideas we get coming in, the official call will be out this weekend hopefully, if anyone whos interested could get thinking about possibly using the space that would be great.




Some photographs. First port of call is to work on a book of visual reference, take more photographs, collect more flyers, more drawings, that sort of thing. These were taken with a rather odd lens, in Ifan’s studio, I quite enjoy them, I even tried to draw while holding the lens up to my eye, although it didn’t work so well as I was drawing from video, the actual experience of trying to draw something in motion with a composite eye almost, was disorientating but still interesting!

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