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Blog Artist


Blueself is about the waged battles between our ego and the natural environment from ancient times to today and our uncomfortable relationship with it.The Blue is symbolic of the colour of our planet.
Is nature really a provider or are we just prisoners of a feelingless system?

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Blog Artist

Neurodivergent Lens on Life.

I am a late discovered autistic artist. I am awaiting a formal diagnosis.

I have been reviewing my life through a new lens, an alternative perspective on my interpretation on my artistic life.

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Blog Artist

An Emerging Artist’s Blog

In this blog I’ll be expanding on some of the fleeting thoughts that capture my interest as I go about my life and work. Things that I want to expand upon and become more conscious of. Any responses are most welcome!

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Graphic novel by iServalan at Tale Teller Club
Blog Artist

Using AI creatively

I am working with social media and a very traditional medium, the comic book, to create a socio-political publication. I am using ideas of propaganda and storytelling to create highly graphic pages created by AI and Procreate. The pages are […]

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Blog Artist

A Private Land / Tir Diarffordd

Collaborative research and development project exploring geographical and psychological territories and the nature of the boundaries that may protect and/or restrict.

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Blog Artist

A Private Land / Tir Diarffordd

Collaborative research and development project exploring geographical and psychological territories and the nature of the boundaries that may protect and / or restrict.

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Blog Artist

Art of History

The history of my project of making installation art that interacts with museum artefacts.

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