We’ve been getting some great comments about our Inspired Responses show, and some local press coverage, but as usual once the exhibition is up I’m on to the next thing. We have exciting workshops coming up led by artists Jeni McConnell, Angela Sidwell and Wendy Rudd. Visit www.thebrindley.org.uk/workshops/ for details.

Meanwhile, artists from the Markmakers collective have had work displayed in a local solicitors’ offices – Forster Dean in Runcorn, I’ve been catching up with Claire Weetman about her plans for new work for our exhibition here in the summer, and chatting to Richard at MODES about the website developments needed for the next stage of the Exploring Halton’s Collections project.

Facing huge budget cuts after April, as most local authority arts development teams are (if they still have them), but trying to be creative and positive about how we work and keep the art and artists front and centre of everyone’s mind. A great lesson learned from Saralyn Reece Hardy in Salina Kansas many years ago.


So a week of madness goes by and the exhibition is all installed. This year students have been very ambitious in Inspired Responses. They have created beautiful artists books, mini installations, a large scale installation involving a tree, nests, insects (made from clay!) and pressed leaves, plus beautiful maps and books and re-constructed musical instruments. They’ll also be making me some exciting ‘clean graffiti’ signs outside v. soon, with artist Claire Weetman who has worked with two schools this year as part of the residency.

Now it’s back to the desk for a catch up on emails, drafting part of an HLF bid and promoting workshops, events etc.



So, been back at work for a few days and enjoying planning for the year ahead. I’ve been out to two of our local schools, The Grange and St. Chad’s to see the work being done by students for the Inspired Responses 9 show, which we’ll be installing next week. The photo here shows a piece that’s just been finished. We’ve had 5 artists working with 5 secondary schools, one special school and a youth group this year.



Almost time for the Christmas break, but just finishing up a few last minute things. Getting our latest exhibition – Heritage Detectives – online here at a-n in Interface, plus making a to-do list for the New Year. Lately I’ve been talking to community groups about a potential joint project next year, meeting lovely artists in Oswestry who are exhibiting with us in February and sending photos out to artists who have exhibited with us.


Another hectic day, sorting out after the Domesticity exhibition closed, needing to send copies of the comment cards out. Meanwhile we have a second talk by Michael Kenna confirmed, on 11 October in the afternoon. I am off soon to a meeting about our borough wide heritage project, and then trying to clear the email backlog. Have been talking to artists about forthcoming projects though, which is always good.