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Previously I have made a piece of work called ‘my cup runneth over’ – cups molded from my own receipts.

For our PaperFields exhibition we realise that we’ll have to make our exhibition obviously there and open to get visitors through the door (as well as doing as much publicity via social networks in the run up to next Weds opening and flyer + posters at the time).  There is a wooden A-board outside the R K Burt Gallery and we want to create something intriguing to make it absolutely clear there is something worth investigating going on inside the gallery!

Instead of our poster, which has relatively small writing and is great for getting lots of info across, but when someone is standing right outside the gallery, they don’t need to know when it’s open (the door is already open!) or how to get there!
We will simply have a poster with ‘ART’ on it both sides, very clear and to the point!

But we reckon we’ll need to make it a bit more noticeable than that and so Jack Clough and I are collaborating to make something curious for the A-board.  He has sent me some of his drawings and paintings on paper and I am going to cut them into quarter circles, varnish (waterproof them) and make cone shapes with them.  I’m thinking of stapling these to the A-board and then to each other to grow a form which I’ve no idea how it’ll turn out.  I now have 2 pieces I need to make during set up – 1. paper tubes in window and 2. this collaboration piece..actually jack may be doing some of the cone construction – we’ll see!