archaeology - Page 7 of 7 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Beginning to create a network

  Place-names, church dedications, archaeological finds, even the street pattern – all these give clues to where the Danes lived and worked. A thousand years ago, Norwich was a truly Anglo-Scandinavian town. We have arranged a meeting, to discuss […]

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Blog Post

What Next?

So then we had the post mortem and the ‘What next ?’ conversation.  The characterisations are sound and need filling out and heightening by adding another layer of narrative, such as a celebration or a heartbreak.  Then we can go back […]

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Blog Post

Drawing towards Orkney

Last Wednesday, I gave the first talk about this project as part of Fringe Arts Bath #FaB16, entitled Drawing towards Orkney. It gave an account of how my recent practice has been building up to the residency on the Ness […]

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Blog Post

Public Performance

Now the focus has been on more research, assembling props and refining performance details. Research came from lots of different sources: George Anelay, the Director of Archaeology, Stuart Needham, the Subject Specialist for the period, Kathrin Pieren, Petersfield Museum Curator, […]

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Blog Post


We did some experimental run throughs on site.  We tried performing in parallel, and performing in turn and then pausing whilst the other one does some. The parallel performance works much better, the serial one is a bit pedestrian and […]

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So I’ve done more thinking about where work is going and there are two choices: I could make a series as in photography, or settle on one direction to focus on. At the moment, a series seems to be the […]

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Blog Post

Next surprise

Barrow 16 turns out to be Barrow 20, and is not included in the excavation this time. So my planning for the site and measuring the space was for nothing. However, the barrows being dug this time include Barrow 8, […]

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Blog Post

Barrow 16

Things are moving really fast. As well as talking through the ideas around the piece with Gemma, I have also spent 2 sessions with another artist working alongside me. We have experimented with different approaches to the work, and I […]

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Blog Post

Dramaturgy at Barrow 16

We started the day with a visit to the site. We talked about what a significant space it felt with the trees all round it. It is the first time Gemma had seen it so it was useful to get […]

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Blog Post

First consultation day tomorrow

I will spend the day tomorrow with my dramaturg, Gemma Williams. It’s the first time to show her the site where my piece will be performed in May, and the archaeology has not started yet, so all she can see […]

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Blog Artist

Then & Now

Outdoors performance piece set within the excavation of a Bronze Age burial mound

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Blog Post

Landing on the moon

I’ve called this blog post ‘Landing on the moon’, as that was kind of how it felt walking around the island of Swona. Five of us spent two days there at the end of August (here’s a brief video of […]

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Blog Post

Swona at last!

Today we made it across to Swona in a cute yellow boat called Sheila C, captained by two lovely chaps both called Magnus! The crossing from Burray Pier to The Haven at Swona took about 30 minutes and was really […]

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Blog Post

Looking at the Orkney Archive

Yesterday the sea was still too rough for us to make a crossing to Swona. Both mornings we had psyched ourselves up – packed the kit, food supplies, dressed in warm layers of clothing and head-to-toe waterproofs – and arrived […]

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Blog Post

Guest post by Keir (part 1)

Here is a wonderful guest post (part 1) from my collaborator, archaeologist Keir Strickland: Hi, I’m Dr Keir Strickland, and I’m a lecturer in archaeology at the University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute, based up here under northern […]

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Blog Post

Still not set foot on Swona

We were due to take a small boat to the island of Swona this morning (Monday 18th August), but unfortunately the weather was not on our side and the dangerous high swells meant we couldn’t sail. We are hoping to […]

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Blog Post

Dreaming of the island

I leave for Orkney in just two days time. I’ve decided to drive up from London, visiting my Grandma on the way in Preston and then up the A9 through the breathtaking mountains and Highlands. Driving will allow me to […]

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Blog Post

Archaeology of abandonment

I am a photographic artist, interested between the relationship between photography and archaeology. For this a-n New Collaborative Bursary project I am collaborating with Keir Stickland, an archaeologist working in the Department of Archaeology at Orkney College. Keir’s primary research […]

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Blog Artist

Art and archaeology: a New Collaborations Bursary project

A collaborative research project with Carolyn Lefley (artist) and Keir Strickland (archaeologist) recording an art/archaeology survey of the abandoned island of Swona, off the Orkney Islands, in August 2014. This blog records our preparations/research/findings.

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