Office Party
Now showing
HS Projects 12 Hammersmith Grove -
June 02, 2024 -
October 30, 2024 -
An enquiry in to understanding systems of representation.
Longitude 52.948503 Latitude 1.116371: 5 hares Longitude 52.956430 Latitude 1.092281: pair Linnets Longitude 52.959763 Latitude 1.078743: Avocet Longitude 52.960759 Latitude 1.074503: 476 dead starfish ranging in size from 2in to 7 in. Ended at Longitude 52.963798 Latitude 1.058465 Birds observed: […]
Is there any advice out there for artists who are trying to get to grips with the general data protection regulations 2018 – in order to collect and maintain circulation lists (for exhibiting/teaching/etc.) ?
Continuing on from my attempts to deliberately break or glitch images I’ve been looking at how digital files are downloaded and what happens when some of the data is missing. Torrent sites host illegal downloads of movies, software, music etc […]
I’ve been manipulating the inner workings of images for a while. Essentially, it’s a digital image that I have opened up in a hex editor, changed the code around and then resaved. For these portraits I thought it would interesting […]
For her online artwork We Need Us – currently showing at group exhibitions in Manchester and London – Julie Freeman has powered an audio-visual animation with live data from the citizen science project The Zooniverse. She explains why data and how it’s used is so important in our increasingly digital lives.
today i’m coming to terms with the realistic situation that yesterday i lost my ipod touch. if it were a person it might have left home because i’m making friends with android. in accepting that it’s gone i’m left thinking […]
Presents brief explanations of different economic data cited for the creative industries.
Overview of findings from the Taking Part survey of 2008-09.
Findings from the first three years of the Taking Part survey.
Headline data from the Taking Part survey 2005-06
Headline data from the Taking Part survey 2005-06
Including 2008-09 statistics, this analysis of Taking Part survey data on arts attendance in England is produced in partnership with Tak Wing Chan and John Goldthorpe from the University of Oxford.
Headline data from the Taking Part survey 2005-06
Headline data from the Taking Part survey 2005-06
Headline data from the Taking Part survey 2005-06
Headline data from the Taking Part survey 2005-06