Digital - a-n The Artists Information Company

View across Amman
Blog Artist

Datblygiadau mewn celf ddigidol yng Ngwlad yr Iorddonen

English ⇒ Rwyf newydd ddychwelyd o daith anhygoel i Aman, Gwlad yr Iorddonen a gefnogwyd yn hael gan y Gronfa Cyfleoedd Rhyngwladol gan Gelfyddydau Rhyngwladol Cymru. Mae fy gosodiad fideo ‘INSULAE’ yn cael ei ddangos ar hyn o bryd yn […]

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View across Amman
Blog Artist

Developments in digital art in Jordan

Cymraeg ⇒ I’ve just returned from an amazing trip to Amman, Jordan which was generously supported by Wales Arts International’s International Opportunities Fund. My video installation ‘INSULAE’ is currently showing at the Jordan National Gallery Of Fine Arts (JNGFA) as […]

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Blog Arts organiser

Want to Believe: An Exploration of Transhumanism by David Vintiner

David Vintiner’s latest exhibition, titled “I Want to Believe: An Exploration of Transhumanism,” invites viewers to question what it truly means to be human in an age of rapid technological advancement.

Private view Thursday 6th June from 6pm to 9pm

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Blog Post

Fruitful Conversations

I have an idea for a digital game and it is just at the seed stage but after a few initial stumbling blocks and discussions with more than one technology wizard I am beginning to think it shows promise! It […]

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Blog Arts organiser

Hybrid Art Journal: Issue One (Spring 2022)

Hybrid Art Journal is a new experimental project for artists to share and explore cross-medium thought. We hope to provide artists and creatives the opportunity to amplify their voice through combined physical/digital offerings resulting in a new way to engage […]

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Blog Post

The neighbourhood

The broken down spaces could be called triangular, rectangular, prism-like but borderless. There is a crossing over, an infiltration, one piece encroaches upon another but as quickly as each aspect appears, it can disappear, out of view and out of […]

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The Preserving Machine
Event Exhibition

The Preserving Machine

  • Archive
  • Venue:
  • From:
    January 04, 2021
  • To:
    April 11, 2021
  • Location:
    Across UK
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Getting online with your work

Hi fellow a-n members, I have created a workshop for creatives and freelancers about getting their work online, protecting their intellectual property, standing out through the noise, safeguarding and increasing their visibility. I’ve had some great feedback and thought I […]

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