Viewing single post of blog Art etc. no. 7

After three years of trying, I have eventually managed to fill in and submit  an Arts Council funding application, the DYCP, not the big one! Although I know my chances of success are minimal, getting to the end of the form makes it seem a huge achievement. But, having done one….. Rest of the time has been spent at Manchester Museum and The Museum of Science and Industry. There is such a sense of scale in both, looking at skeletons and taxidermied creatures and realising our human size. Repeated in Science and Industry with aircraft, some are so small. The Kamikaze plane with pilots volunteering to fly it and end their lives, what was their mindset? War is such an emotional and terrible thing. How all this relates to my art, I don’t know but it is always good to try and experience the emotions and sensibilities of others even when you cannot understand them. Stood in the remains of the Roman fort with an eight year old and saying, you are leaning on a wall that a Roman has leant on. It all becomes connected, your place and time inserted into the spatiotemporal universe.

Small amount of play time in the studio. This image is of a gifted acrylic sheet which had been lying in the dust. Loved the abstract images  created with the surreality of my reflection.