Adding finishing touches now. This week has passed so quickly, yet I'm pleased we've both made strides with new work – in 5 days! It will be great to photograph all of the parts of our installation in the dark.

Big Draw day tomorrow – Drawing In The Dark.



It's been a black bird day. Sewing, stuffing, hanging. I brought 4 bags of meadow hay back from my lunchtime outing. Getting the bird to stand up took all our ingenuity. There she stands with her shining eye.

The work is taking shape – much to manage tomorrow, last day before we open for drawing and showing on Sunday afternoon.

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Our fourth day Under Ground. There is something strange about it – like being in a hidden world – no sun, no passers by – just us carrying out our strange self-assigned tasks in these half-lit subterranean rooms.


When I left the world above ground this morning it was damp and drizzly. Under Ground the weather means nothing. Under Ground there is no sun, no mobile phone signal, no light except that which we choose.