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On Friday night I performed a brand new piece recycling old ideas/work in a mash up with new ideas about dialogue. I usually prefer scripted public presentations/performances as I struggle with nerves on stage but this one was a bit of an improv/experimental piece with keywords and ideas interspersed between inflated a balloon, pausing for thought and letting it go. I was really nervous beforehand but once I got up on stage I think I was fine. I actually enjoyed it, I think.

I had no idea how the audience would repsond. Some people laughed. I think they expected a longer piece but it was really short and talking to friends after I think the consensus was I could definitely expand (pun intended) with this piece and build it up.

I had some really good conversations with a few people before and after and this was encourgaed by the format of the event having decent intervals between the acts. I was on last and we went for drinks in the pub over the road after. Post-show drinks are the best. I had such a good time talking about our respective practices and emerging ideas.