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With the looming end of project, inevitable exhibition, vaguely organised, and various other personnal deadlines like applying for print international and the national eisteddfod. I have been trying to reign myself back in to remember what i’ve been doing and looking at and making over the last year and what should make up a body of work to go on display along with all the other bits i’ve been doing with the pupils.

i found a load of photos i took of colwyn bay pier- i’ve spent a lot of time on the train that goes along the coast of north wales since i started this project and my car blew up.

The train goes right past the pier and i always want to jump off and take photos..

Colwyn bay pier always fascinates me, its got such a look of ‘good times used to happen here’ like quite a lot of old piers, so many just look dilapidated or abandoned. i love that look of decay, the colours and textures but also the presence of a past life..