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I ran the last two of the major workshops over february and march, each with one half of the year 10 group.

Going with the theme of self portraits i took them through all the monoprinting techniques using photocopies of themselves to monoprint from and also got them doing blind drawings of each other which was really successful and a good ice breaker to the session, very funny. they did some really good work as well, hopefully they’ll remember the techniques and carry on at some point.

I also had great help from Don and Kate once again, fabulous helpers i couldn’t have done it without them really, well i could have but it wouldn’t have been as good, i think the point is to give the kids something to experience they normally wouldn’t get and lots of attention is certainly one of them, also really handy to have other proffessional artists to give them advise, i’m not sure it was appreciated as much as it should have been by the kids but thats the usual story, it’ll sink in one day years after they’ve left school.