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so most of march was consumed by the run up to the exhibition which took place on the 28th March, a monday night which i think meant a lot of people couldn’t make it but it did mean all the print centre lot could as it was timed with open access and they did all turn up eventually and it was a very enjoyable evening.

i think i was a bit shell shocked that it was actually over, i’d taken a lot of time off from the hospital residency to finish stuff, there’s always so much more than you think and its always such a sprint to the finish line no matter how organised you are. so i’d been there every day of the week for a couple of weeks and was really quite a shock to the system to stop. so much so that i think its taken me the best part of a month to recover, although that is recovery from a whole winter of similar pace.

since i have been trying to claw back together what i’m doing at the hospital hence the delay on this blog being finished, i always get there in the end though somehow.