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its sunday and i’m only just writing this about wednesday, time flies ..

i’m looking forward to running a workshop tomorrow with 17 of the year 10 pupils, i’ve given them drypoint card and plastic to draw on so hopefully they’ll bring in some interesting drawings.

i spent most of wednesday preparing for that and trying out the presss, i tried a quick drypoint on the drypoint plastic and it went really well, the press is lovely to use it didn’t need too much pressure either. we should have fun breaking it in tomorrow.

the drypoint plastic is nice as well and i used the water soluble calico inks which are normally a bit sticky but i added oil and theyt were fine, and so easy to clean up with, just soap and water!

i’m starting to use the room more although i have to pack everything away at the end of the day as its used for lessons on other days but i think its a good thing, its giving me good tidy habits, i always have a tendency to spread out very messily :-)