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Having spent the morning writing I drew in my studio yesterday. It isn’t the same. I need the vitality of a moving object – be it person, machine or animal. I need that element of risk, of potential flitting to grab my intense attention (and to still the thinking and judging). I drew things, my materials mostly but it’s hard to make life-ful marks, I become too precious. But I also want to learn how to introduce colour and context in my drawings. Colour can often seem an afterthought for me (perhaps I see mostly in black and white?). Drawing outside – even if it’s an inanimate object can instil a little more vibrancy – maybe it’s the discomfort or the fear of being watched or interrupted. All these risk factors make a difference – my studio is too safe.

Made up for the lack yesterday by spending 2 hours drawing in the cafĂ© this morning, though I was less than happy with the results. I didn’t stray beyond pen and ink though I’d come prepared for more. I watched and drew. No one came that near so it was just people in the queue (with masks) and the group of women who gathered on the far table. I thought it was a WI meeting but then they sang happy birthday (in Welsh). They were an animated group – much laughter. Nice. Then a mother and son came to sit in a table just beyond me. He was dressed for school. She was on the phone the whole time. They didn’t talk to each other. She clenched her fist as she spoke on the phone. A glamourous woman with lots of energy. She did put her hand on his back as they left. The old man with the dog was in again and the man who I see most mornings. His new friend seems to have become a permanent fixture.

Do these drawings have to go anywhere – become something else or is this enough? Am I beginning to see better?

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