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Talking to my tutor today about Francis Bacon’s painting techniques. She feels sure that whilst critics talk about him re-working his gestures (going over marks in the still wet paint) – working on an unprimed canvas abosrbs paint straight away – making it imposssible to move the paint around once applied. We therefore deduced that Bacon made his marks with great consideration and care.Clever man.

I’m really excited by the way the unprimed linen canvas shows through in his paintings – the linen is a beautiful, neutral kind of tone and it seems to give his work further gravity.

I am working with with layers allowing underpainting and the canvas to show through. it feels as if I am giving the panting some sort of cronology.

My tutor has asked me to think about possible connections between the objects I am painting (because people automatically look for connections when reading paintings) and to think of the space between objects as important as the objects themseves