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On ‘finishing’

Today – after a few months in progress I have finished my painting. But what is it to finish?

It seems to involve an intense mix of anticipation and aprehension;an excitement followed by the anti-climax of feeling – ‘is this it?’

Its almost as if I pass myself coming back at the finishing point – its done so quickly – yes there is time to reflect now but also just a short breath before starting again on the next painting – continuing the process of painting.

I have been looking at the painting of Swedish artist Anicca Neumuller, now selltled in Herefordshire and exhibiting at the college. She has been painting for many years and looking closely at her work I can recognise the subtle nuances and painterly language of someone who is fluid in her work – a fluidity that comes from experience and knowing. Her work is beautiful.

I feel a frustated impatience – I want to be furhter along than I am – impossilbe – to be an artist is to work hard and long. I am just at the beginning