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There was a time when Saturday nights were going out nights. Now (as a forty something) I am very happy to be curled up discovering new painters via twitter! Two exciting finds tonight – Ben Cove – clean exacting lines, strong contrasts within his palette that push the eye around the painting and a backdrop of un primed linen canvas – its beautiful unbleached colour. His 3d work is also interesting. His multi disciplinary approach reasures me as I’m aware that I need to work in a range of mediums myself (and this feels daunting ). Cove does it well.

And James Robert Moore – really dynamic compositons that flung my eye around the canvas like the ballbearing in a pinball machine! And the colours and gestures – highly sensual and moving. I love reading paintings – its so exciting – and if I can leave myself open and sensitive I experience really intense emotions in reponse to brush marks and colours.

In Moore’s paintings he has also used mark making that resembles shaky, raw drawn lines to create movement and immediacy. He has dug into the paint – with the wooden end of the brush I think – and forced the paint away.

This is far far better than beer.