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I drove to Agen on Saturday to view the space for my show which starts in July – and very nice it is too. It’s in a museum dedicated to the work of Gertrude Shoen, a sculptor who gave many of her pieces to the mairie. Apparently she’s quite well known, but never really made it – her initiative means her work will at least make a mark locally, be seen and live on.

What a great idea – why should work be hidden away, never to be seen?

Coincidently, I just stumbled across the work I donated to Douai Abbey on the internet… I just did a google search for Jonathan Moss to see which of my images came up first and those pictures appeared. I’ve not seen them hung yet, so it was a nice surprise to see photos of them in-situ. They are in a corridor that leads from the monastery to the library – so will only be viewed by the monks, which adds a level of quietude and intimacy that would rarely be found in a public place.

I now really need to focus on the new series of paintings I started before Christmas; life has been hectic though as I shall soon be the proud owner of a garret in the centre of Perpignan (it comes with an apartment underneath!), strangely next door to the school of art. Hopefully it will give us access to a little bit of culture every now and then which we miss living up our mountain.