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As the end of the dig draws near everyone is concentrating on what is most urgent to achieve. In Trench Y, which is due to be filled in as they have not found ‘the wall’, work is focussed on the floors around the small walls and hearth [C.8429] at the top of the trench. Specifically they need to find some pottery, which can be carbon dated to show when the structure was occupied.

For me it is a matter of getting drawings done when it is not raining. I am particularly keen to draw Trench T, which has ceased to look like a lunar landscape and now has clear level areas, waiting for further excavation of the structure underneath next year. When these drawings go into my film there will be a series of time lapse views from the same position. Today I managed half the drawing before rain came down.

Rick, who has been teaching the students in Trench T, sat for his portrait.

He has enjoyed seeing the growth in their confidence, and is pleased how many are now interested in pursuing some aspect of archaeology. Working with Cristina has been great, especially as she is such a good role model for the young female students.

The work force on site is not only international but truly diverse with its cross section of all ages and a healthy gender balance.

Ness of Brodgar web site has all the latest dig news at www.nessofbrodgar.co.uk