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Viewing single post of blog Ness of Brodgar Artist’s Residency 2023

A very different atmosphere this week all round. The weather is autumnal, i.e. cold and windy with occasional horizontal rain. Visitors are keen to engage with the Art Hut – maybe to shelter from the weather. 

In the trenches it’s a mixture of an urgency to squeeze in a last bit of excavation, and the start of closing down individual structures. Some of these were piles of rubble at the start of the digging season but are now distinct buildings that require proper protection for the winter, using sandbags. 

Due to the increase in demand for sandbags they are making up more from the spoil heaps – and running out of actual bags.

Worsening weather meant I took shelter indoors, where pottery is being cleaned for further inspection.

But there are times when wind and rain must be ignored – when a beautiful bit of pot is being excavated late in the afternoon.