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Viewing single post of blog Ness of Brodgar Artist’s Residency 2023

More thinking than artwork today – at least to start with. I’ve been trying to get to grips with the rhythm of the dig and my place in it. Having tried various scenarios for various people – management, supervisors, students, and myself – I have come to the conclusion that we all are in a similar position.  We begin with intentions, then the unexpected happens – and then, as one of the supervisors succinctly expressed it, it’s like trying to turn a tanker around and finding we can’t stop it.

So having got that into perspective, I got out to do some drawings. First the excitement of a very long orthostat (standing stone) being revealed.

Then an approaching rain storm.

A stone being examined for decoration.

And finally the Director’s dog in pensive mood.

No blog tomorrow as we have a day off in lieu of the Open day on Sunday.