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A certain buzz associated with new discoveries on site today. Week 5 of the 8 weeks has been mentioned as the peak of the dig, and it certainly feels like it.  There is still time to explore before the pressure of getting documentation completed hits in weeks 7 and 8.

In Trench X they are excavating a huge pot, potentially the size of a bucket, which appears to have been dropped so that the sides have fallen away like the petals of a flower.

Work is extremely slow as the pot is so crumbly. At the moment they are looking at the inside of the pot so we will have to wait until the pieces are turned over before the decoration shows what type of pot it is.

The north wall of Structure 27 has recently been found and today was beginning to be exposed properly. Meticulous planning using a grid is made of each stage.

A beautiful piece of red sandstone has come into the Finds Hut from Trench T. Amongst the muddy colour of the trench it has a small circular dip in the middle showing the intensity of the dark red – almost Alizarin Crimson perhaps with a touch of Venetian Red.

Work continues clearing midden in the passage between structures 12, 26 and 30.  Previously designated the ‘corner of loveliness’, it is still lovely but becoming more complex – like everything else on the Ness of Brodgar.