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Feedback is always good value.  At lunchtime I showed the current edit of my film to three supervisors who are leaving the dig today. As they are all experts in the field, I felt rather anxious and hoped there were no glaring inaccuracies in my ‘story’. However, they not only enjoyed it but noticed a subtly that had passed me by.

When layering drawings of the archaeologists with images of the landscape into the film, the people remain white against the background, which is often coloured. The supervisors today pointed out that they appear ghostly and ephemeral in a solid environment.  The landscape and the archaeology have existed for millennia, while the people and even the barn in this example are recent and temporary.  For my part this was unintentional, based on necessity – but now that I know this, it can be utilised in the rest of the film.

The rest of the day was extremely windy and eventually wet as well. So one hurried sketch of a conference on strategy in Structure 8, and a portrait in the shelter of the Art Hut of Jo McKenzie, micromorphologist and supervisor in Structure 10