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Viewing single post of blog Ness of Brodgar Artist’s Residency 2023

Looking out across Structure 12 towards the Loch of Harray. The full extent of the landscape is now visible because, due to Covid regulations, there is no viewing platform  for visitors. In the drawing the sun is shining on the site and the strip of green field, but there are big mildly threatening clouds beyond the loch.

My seat is in a sheltered corner where Structure 12’s supervisor created some seats for his team to work out of the wind. He has welcomed me into his ‘office’ where this afternoon I began a painting of the same view, which if the fine weather holds I will finish tomorrow.

There is a very big drain, discovered in Structure 8 in 2019, which this year they will be investigating in Structure 12. The drain appears to run underneath all the structures and is therefore likely to be earlier than any of them. I shall follow the progress during my time here.

I have so far failed to capture the sound of the resident Oyster Catcher who regularly flies overhead calling – but too swiftly for me to turn on the recorder. I will keep trying…