Art Week at Hurst Park Primary went very well and was an encouraging start to the month. It was lovely to see the children responding to the project and enjoying themselves as well. I have had some really interesting comments from them too. Though one of the best things was finding out that class three had been writing poems about their creations.
I had thought at the begining of the week that my role would be mainly as an enabler rather than in this context making my own creative responses but I have found the whole process so interesting that I have started developing some work, 'Traces' as a response to the landscapes that were developed during the week.


First day of Art Week at school. Lovely people and a huge amount of enthusiasm and creativity. When do people stop being open to colour and the joy of making things? I am always amazed that generally life as an adult is so predictable and colourless and that the capacity for the oppposite is more generally the rule for children.


Looking at yesterday's post again I thought that it wasn't really like that. In fact yesterday was also a day when I met interesting people, had a good day with my son (who is feeling better today) and made my first tentative steps towards learning a bookbinding technique. Thank you Noel.


A beautiful looking day, sunny and clear. Unfortunately it was one of those days when everything seems to conspire to trip one up. On Fridays I am 'in residence' in the church, it's when people can drop in and see what I am up to but today my son was ill and I hadn't arranged any contingency cover. So no plan 'B'. I also had to get materials over to the school where I am doing some workshops so I had to rearrange everything. A day full of 'doing stuff' rather than making work.